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Online Safety

Chislehurst School for Girls

In the loop

Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.

The Internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.

Online Safety forms a fundamental part of our school's safeguarding and child protection measures.

See below for guides, articles and information that highlights the importance of safeguarding young people online.

Acceptable Use Policies


Speaking to your child about the possible risks can help them understand how to stay safe online and offline. If they feel they can tell you anything, you can help to protect them from abuse.

'Let's stop abuse' was launched by the Government on 13th Jan 2022 and puts together a range of resources Let's stop abuse together. (campaign.gov.uk).

Internet watch Foundation - As well as the above, The IWF is urging parents and carers to spot the dangers as a new Government-backed campaign aims to boost child safety. The link below contains a data and a talk checklist as well as how to report an incident.

Three-fold increase of abuse imagery of 7-10-year-olds as IWF detects more child sexual abuse material online than ever before | IWF

Online Safety - BE VIGILANT 

With the prices of Laptops, Notebooks and Tablets as affordable as ever, many parents will be looking to treat their children. Chislehurst School for Girls encourages the use of such technology, both at home and at school, but how can we make sure they are safe? Attached is our useful guide to some Apps that are increasingly popular with young children. We believe it is imperative that parents know all there is to know about what their children may or may not be using. We have written up this guide as a helpful tool for you to be vigilant going forward.

Supporting LGBTQ+ children and young people online


New Year 7 Guides


Family Pairing in Tik Tok

Remove a Nude Image Shared OnlineRR logo

It can be scary finding out a nude image or video of you has been shared online. However, there is help out there: Follow the steps below to get your image or video removed from the internet.


The Parent Hub

Parents can often feel overwhelmed in a world of constantly advancing technology and YGAM is keen to provide simple, usable resources to help parents have honest and open conversations with their children around the topics of gaming and gambling. In keeping with its social purpose, the YGAM Parent Hub is looking to: Inform parents of ways to build their children’s resilience online and offline, creating a healthy balance and providing resources to help parents engage with their children. Educate parents around gaming, in-app purchases and gambling, helping them understand the potential harms caused by online play and the blurred lines between gaming and gambling. Safeguard children through the use of online safety settings and increased awareness of how to stay safe and resilient in their environment. These resources have been developed after listening to the views of young people and parents.

Helpful guides - 15-18 Game briefs

Homepage - YGAM

Parents' Decision Guide to YouTube for Young Kids

Download the guide here

How to set up a supervised experience for your child on Youtube:

Get Media Smart:

Get Media Smart Body Image and Advertising: a guide for parents and guardians


Online Safety Information and AdviceCEOP LOGO

The Internet is a very useful tool to support learning. It is a great place to connect with people, be creative and discover new things. Digital and Information Communication Technologies have an important role to play in the lives of young people.


As these technologies are being used more frequently, it is important to raise the issue of E-safety and promote safe and responsible usage of technologies in schools and at home. E-Safety is a national issue and we all must aim to ensure that the Internet is used in a safe manner. In addition to this, being aware of privacy settings, filters and safe usage of social networking sites will enable young people to feel protected online.

The range of potential issues that can arise within E-safety can be extensive, but how we look to support students can be categorised into three areas of considerations:

Content:      being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material

Contact:      being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users

Conduct:     personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm.

If you have any concerns about keeping your child safe when using the internet you can find a parental guide on the Child Exploitation Online Protection website http://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Top Tips

Parents and Carers

  • Ensure the computer is kept in an area of the house, where it is easier to monitor what young people are accessing online.
  • Make the most of Internet filtering software and use your web browser’s controls to enable security on different websites.
  • Inform children not to share their personal information online.
  • Create a “code of conduct” policy where young people are involved in creating rules which must be abided by when using the Internet at home.
  • Be online together! Browsing the Internet with your child and being involved in their ‘online world’ will promote online safety.

Below you can find a parental guide on the Child Exploitation Online Protection website http://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Alternatively, you can always email our IT Support team if you have any concerns or questions about technology or Online Safety: office@chsfg.co.uk

Chislehurst School takes Online Safety very seriously and continue to educate our students about the positives and negatives of online activity. We will do our best to support any concerns you may have.


If you are concerned about your child's online activity or you believe you do not know enough about online games such as Fortnite or apps like Kik and Snapchat, please follow the links below to access lots of great resources and guides to help make things a little clearer and help to keep your children safe.


'The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to the Internet’, has been created by CEOP to provide a light hearted and realistic look at what it takes to be a better online parent. The show covers topics such as, talking to your child about the technologies they use and the things they might see. This online guide aims to equip you with the tools to have those tricky conversations with your children and keep your family safe online.



Page Downloads Date  
CHSFG Acceptable Use Agreement Pupils 12th Dec 2023 Download
CHSFG Acceptable Use Agreement All Staff Volunteers and Governors Dec 2023 12th Dec 2023 Download
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